Happy Friday! Let’s start the weekend with an edition of the Employee Spotlight Series. This week, we interviewed Laura Dennis! Laura is a Vendor Management Auditor and has been a part of the SpendMend team for about two years. When asked what three words she would use to describe SpendMend, she stated, “Challenging, Supportive, and Innovative.” A fun fact about Laura is that she is from Leeds, Alabama, about 15 minutes outside Birmingham. She attended Midlands Technical College to study Health Science as a physical therapist. Laura then pivoted and had a few different career paths, working at a bank for almost 10 years and then working for her local county government for seven years! Laura states, “Working for SpendMend has been a big adjustment for me working remotely and doing the work I am doing, but I work with a great team and like to help our clients find ways to save money.” Outside of work, Laura loves to spend time with her family! Her weekends are packed with family time, and they like being outside when the weather is nice. She enjoys her time at church watching her twin boys play Upward Basketball. She loves watching them play together and working with their teammates! Laura and her family look forward to planning visits to South Carolina! They hope to visit for Spring break and summer vacation. This year, they would like to take a beach trip to Gulf Shores for the first time! If you’ve been there before, give Laura some fun family vacation recommendations! Another hobby Laura likes to do is reading. She enjoys a few genres, such as fiction and romance novels. She just finished “It Ends with Us” by Colleen Hoover, and she liked the book and movie! Another genre she likes to read is motivational/inspirational books. Her recent books have been by Christian authors Jennie Allen and Amy B Crowe, and she recommends them!

Laura is excellent in her role as a Vendor Management Auditor. We asked Samantha Lancaster, Shared Services Team Lead, about Laura, and she said, “Laura joined SpendMend as a Research Analyst in October of 2022, and in May of 2024, we recruited her to join the VMS team where she has been an invaluable teammate. She always has a good attitude, even when we are overwhelmed with work, and is always willing to help her coworkers if that is needed of her. We are happy to have her on our team and would be lost without her.” Thank you, Laura! We appreciate your contributions to the SpendMend team!

 Interview with Laura:

What is your role at SpendMend?

Vendor Management Auditor

How long have you been with SpendMend?

Two years

How did you first learn about SpendMend?

I first learned about SpendMend through my husband’s really good friend, Eric Florance.

What three words would you use to describe SpendMend?

Challenging, Supportive, Innovative

Where are you located/from?

I live in Leeds, Alabama, which is about 15 outside of Birmingham. I am originally from South Carolina. We moved to Leeds about 3 years ago when my husband’s job relocated us from South Carolina.

Where did you go for higher education? What did you study and why?

I attended Midlands Technical College for a degree in Health Science to be a Physical Therapist Assistant. My mom was sick while I was at college, and I decided to leave to help take care of her. Once my mom was better, I decided it would be best for me to work. I worked for a bank for almost 10 years and then worked for my local county government in South Carolina for 7 years. Working for SpendMend has been a big adjustment for me, working remotely and doing the work I am doing, but I work with a great team and like to help our clients find ways to save money.

Why do you look forward to coming to work?

To help our clients find the solutions they are looking for.

Before working at SpendMend, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

In college, I worked for Bath & Body Works. Never a dull moment in the retail world, especially during the holidays

What is one fun fact about you?

I work part-time for SpendMend and am also a full-time mom to my 10-year-old daughter and 6-year-old twin boys.

What type of music or podcasts do you listen to during the workday?

I listen to country music or Christian/inspirational music throughout my workday.

Do you have any hobbies or participate in any activities outside of work?

My children keep us pretty busy between cheer and basketball practices and games. I also serve on the board for my daughter’s school PTO. I love spending time with my family, love to take walks, and love to read.

How do you typically spend your weekends or free time with your family?

On the weekends right now, we spend our time at our church watching my twin boys play Upward Basketball. Last year, my boys were on separate teams, but this year, they are on the same team. I love seeing them play together and working together with their teammates. Our normal weekends consist of spending a lot of time outside if the weather is nice or exploring to find something new to try indoors.

What are some of your favorite activities to do with your family?

We always look forward to seeing and planning visits with our family in South Carolina. We are hoping to visit South Carolina when my children are on Spring Break and during their summer vacation.

Do you have any upcoming plans or events you’re looking forward to with your family?

We are hoping to take a beach trip this year with our family and go to Gulf Shores for the first time.

What genres or types of books do you enjoy reading the most?

I really enjoy reading fiction and romance novels. I just finished reading “It Ends with Us” by Collen Hoover. I really enjoyed the book and the movie that came out last summer.

Do you have a favorite author or series that you keep going back to?

I have also been enjoying reading motivational/inspirational books. I have been reading several books lately by Christian authors Jennie Allen and Amy B Crowe.

Who do you interact with?

Clients and Suppliers

Can you describe an interaction when you helped a client or a supplier that stands out in your mind?

I emailed a vendor a list of POs to see if they were closed in their system. The vendor replied back and stated they were not able to find any of the POs in their system. I took the time to create another spreadsheet for them with more information they needed to be able to search their system, and the vendor was able to find the POs. The vendor was very appreciative of me taking the time to send them more information to help them find what we were requesting.

How did you determine what additional information the vendor needed to successfully locate the POs?

When the vendor replied to me and said they were not able to find the list of POs in their system, I looked at my report and pulled out more details about the POs for the vendor to look up. For example, I included the description and serial numbers of products, quantity, and cost of products, as well as any other information they could use to look up the PO information in their system.

How do you think this interaction reflects your approach to providing excellent client/vendor support?

When a vendor sees that I am taking the time to make their job a little easier, in return, they help me get the information I need for the projects I am working on for our clients.

What was the best compliment you’ve ever been paid by a client or supplier?

Tell me how patient I am, and I take the time to help them with their questions, too.

What is the best part of serving the healthcare market?

Trying to find ways to save hospitals money, but also finding ways to generate revenue for SpendMend.

If you work at the Grand Rapids headquarters, what is your favorite Recovery Room Activity?

I have not been able to work from headquarters yet since I live in Alabama. Hopefully, I will be able to make our annual meetings soon to check everything out.

What has been your experience with SpendMend community service events?

I have not been able to attend any events yet, but I love how SpendMend gets involved with the community.

Do you want to shout out a co-worker who has helped or inspired you at SpendMend?

Christie Suhonen has been great with training me in my new role as a Vendor Management Auditor. Whenever I have questions or need advice on something, Christie is always there to help me.

What advice do you have for prospective candidates who want to join the SpendMend team?

At times, your work will be very challenging, but just stay focused and give yourself grace, and you will see the outcomes you are working towards.

What has been your proudest accomplishment at SpendMend?

When John Baker asked me to move over to Vendor Management Services, I was with the research department at the time and had no idea I was being considered to move over to a new position.

What is something you’re looking forward to in your future at SpendMend?

Continue to enhance and grow in my role as a Vendor Management Auditor.

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