Have You Thought About How Unclaimed Property May Be Impacting Your Bottom Line?

When you think about unclaimed property, you typically see it from the point of view of your obligation to report and remit unclaimed assets. You’re not wrong to look at it this way, these unresolved items must be escheated to the jurisdiction of the rightful party.
However, despite having escheated many assets, your healthcare system is very likely overlooking the assets that are owed back to you. These assets can result in significant dollars.
SpendMend’s Asset Recovery Review Improves Efficiency And Profitability
SpendMend works on behalf of your healthcare system to coordinate all aspects of identifying and recovering abandoned and unclaimed property (AUP) from federal, state, local, and municipal government agencies.
SpendMend performs
complex and in-depth
analysis to identify and
recover lost assets.
SpendMend leverages
name variations for your
facilities, divestitures,
acquisitions, etc.
SpendMend utilizes a
proprietary database,
which includes data from
hundreds of sources.
SpendMend manages all
claim forms and approval
procedures across every
What Are The Benefits Of Using SpendMend For An Asset Recovery Review?

• Easy to engage – minimal client involvement
• Eliminates financial risk with a gain share business model
• Improve cash flow and profitability immediately
• Identify gaps in your financial process
• Improve communication with business partners
Asset Recovery in Hospitals Overview
Why You Should Not Perform An Asset Recovery Review On Your Own
Although every major jurisdiction maintains an online search portal where owners can identify and reclaim assets, we do not suggest taking on such a project:

The process is too complex to accurately manage across over 50 jurisdictions

The project is time-consuming and requires mass communications efforts

Your efforts will likely lack the appropriate databases, experts, and technology

Working on their own, hospitals reclaim only 10% of available assets, on average
Government Issued Funds (GIFs)
Learn how SpendMend can help your organization identify and recover unrealized GIFs

Working With SpendMend On An Asset Recovery Review
To get started, SpendMend requires minimal information; a list of all your facility names including prior divestitures, acquisitions, and name changes. SpendMend will leverage a proprietary database to augment the data to create a complete list of potential DBAs associated with your system.
SpendMend Mission
SpendMend, we strive to help hospitals improve patient care through the delivery of innovative cost savings solutions, insightful transaction analysis, and improved visibility across business relationships.

There’s a whopping $49 billion in unclaimed funds waiting to be claimed.